21 Aerial photos from Thuringia:
from: Dornburg | Eisenach | Erfurt | Heldrungen | Jena | Pössneck | Weimar |
The moated castle in Heldrungen was founded in 1217. After complete destruction it was rebuilt between 1664 and 1668. Remarkable are its defense walls.
Picture taken 25.6.2006 -
aerial photo #0008-0502
Heldrungen is a small town near the Kyffhäuser Monument. It is marked by the medieaval moated
castle of Heldrungen, a fortress with four bastions.
Picture taken 25.6.2006 -
aerial photo #0008-0510
Leuchtenburg Castle was first mentioned in 1221 when Hartmann IV von Lobdeburg-Leuchtenburg finished a lawsuit. From 1612 until 1871 the castle was used as a prison.
Picture taken 30.9.2007 -
aerial photo #0015-0085